
I love dreaming up new ideas

Especially the big ones. You know, the ones you instantly imagine on a whopping great billboard in Piccadilly Circus or Times Square. That's what I enjoy most about being a copywriter, even if most of those ideas never see the light of day.

Thankfully, I enjoy the smaller stuff too. The websites, emails, online guides and direct mail pieces. These are the things that really drive up the leads and get customers over the line.

I love testing and learning

I always start with the customer. Who are they? How are they feeling? What are their needs and objections? Only then can you create a product, website or ad that truly helps people. And if there's an opportunity to split test something in the real world, I'm all over it.

After shipping a product or piece of marketing, I'm hungry for data. I'll watch Hotjar recordings, listen back to sales calls and get lost in spreadsheets to work out how we can iterate and do better next time.

I love working fast and collaborating

Every single line of copy has the potential to improve a customer's experience. So if I've written something that we really believe in – whether it's a more relevant landing page or a new set of bullet points to sum up the product – I'll be keen to get it shipped.

To make it all happen, I've teamed up with art directors, illustrators, designers, developers, video editors, photographers, strategists, and even solicitors from time to time.


And when I’m not working, I’m probably…

  • Cooking: I recently made arancini, which are cheesy, deep fried risotto balls, and they’re 100% as immense as they sound

  • Walking the dog: I’ve got a cockapoo called Meryl with a lot of energy to burn, so I love hiking with my wife and pup at the weekend

  • Dreaming about snowboarding: I can only really go snowboarding for one week a year, which means I spend the other 51 weeks daydreaming about it

  • Climbing: I got bored of the same old routine at the gym, and climbing really appeals to the problem-solver in me

  • Playing guitar: I used to play in a band way back when, but now I just noodle away with a bit of blues

  • Upcycling furniture: I love picking up second-hand furniture on the cheap and giving it a new lease of life

OK, that’s enough about me!